At Kensington Primary School we value the volunteer work that parents, carers, guardians, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc contribute to our school.
To volunteer at KPS everyone requires a valid Working With Children Check and to have also completed a Department of Education Volunteer OH&S Induction.It is mandatory for all parents and volunteers to follow the required processes whilst volunteering on school premises or off-site such as excursions and sports events.Please click on the following links to find a Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement form, Volunteer OHS Induction Checklist, related policies and Volunteer OHS Induction Handbook.Volunteer Induction HandbookVolunteer Confidentiality AgreementVolunteer Worker OHS Induction ChecklistVolunteer Policy
All volunteers must:
Just a reminder that ALL volunteers including grandparents and other relatives must complete the induction as well as having a current Working with Children Check Card (WWCC). All volunteers on school grounds must check in using the QR code displayed in the Office foyer or by manually signing in using the Compass Kiosk at the front desk. You must also display your WWCC card in the visitors lanyard provided at the office.For volunteers off-site on excursions, a QR code will be provided as well as a paper sign in sheet. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with the Department requirements for volunteers working in schools. Together we can ensure that processes are in place to provide a safe environment for everyone.
If you need to apply for a Working with Children check, click here and complete the required information. There is no charge for a Volunteer Working with Children Check.