


All families, once students are enrolled will receive a login to COMPASS, which is our family and student information portal. It is used for secure communication between the school and families from material such as logging student attendance and absences, important alerts regarding activities and events, school alerts and newsletters.

It is also used for accessing student reports and scheduling teacher interviews. Find out more about Compass in our Parent Guide You can login to the Compass portal below. If you have any trouble accessing your information please contact the office. 




A whole school assembly is held every fortnight on Friday afternoons on the school oval (weather permitting) and all parents and carers are invited to join us. Important notices, ‘Student of the Fortnight’ awards, class, sport and music items are often featured. Please see the iNewsletter for our Assembly dates.




The school publishes a fortnightly community iNewsletter. The link to access the iNewsletter is sent out to each family through Compass.  Our newsletters give up-to-date information which includes a Principal's report, information on school events, classroom and specialist learning, important dates and updates on school programs.