Specialist Learning Program

Specialist Learning Program

In 2024, students at KPS engage in the following Specialist subject: Performing Arts/Spanish, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Health.  Students attend one timetabled lesson per week. 


Performing Arts/Spanish

Spanish is taught alongside Performing Arts.  Students learn about the Spanish language within the context of Spanish and Latin American Performing Arts traditions and culture. These include Dance, Drama and Music. During lessons students become familiar with Spanish language in context and are supported to develop linguistic and grammatical skills. They learn about culture and make connections to other cultures they know.


Students explore the Performing Arts while developing their artistic practices through practical skills. They create and share their art with others through structured and less structured formats. This gives students the chance to build their confidence and reflect on how they would like to share their learning. As audiences, students learn the importance of listening, showing respect and learning from a range of art forms.


Visual Arts

Our Visual Arts program enable students to develop their creative and expressive capacities by learning about the different practices, disciplines and traditions that have shaped the expression of culture locally, nationally, and globally. Students are both artist and audience in the Arts. Students generate ideas for artworks through studying art movements, artists or art technique. Students use a variety of materials and have the opportunity to explore a range of different techniques to produce both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional art pieces.


Students are encouraged to explore and respond to art, by experimenting through play and inquiry, expressing their opinions about how effective their technique was to produce a piece of art, what challenges they faced completing the task and how they believe they could improve their artwork in the future. Students also critically evaluate other artists’ work and discuss its specific purpose and to what kind of audience it would appeal.


Health and Physical Education (HPE)

The HPE program is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum and provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. The HPE program provides students with the opportunities to be physically active, develop fundamental motor skills, movement skills, teamwork skills, social skills, sportsmanship skills and apply them into structured activities and games. All students participate in one lesson of Physical Education and one lesson of Health per week.


Students experience a range of sports and activities to further develop their motor skills. This includes supporting and expanding student knowledge of sports, skills and values students can gain from participating in physical education. Students explore topics such as fitness, nutrition, mental physical health, societal issues and social and emotional wellbeing to enhance and understand how to contribute to a healthy and active community.


Students have the opportunity to represent Kensington Primary School in Interschool sport, athletics, cross country, and other competitions. This allows our students to foster respectful relationships and promote fair play and inclusivity.


Continuous Improvement and focus on learning growth

We are aware that there is a new and updated curriculum from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) for our Specialist Learning areas, which will need to be implemented from 2026.  The Specialist Professional Learning Team (PLT) will be working to ensure that they are well placed and ready for the transition in the coming years.